How I work

chemin en forêtCoaching is a personally implicating process which brings about concrete and sustainable results, often surpassing what was hoped for at the outset. I am convinced that a person has all the resources necessary to thrive at work and in their life, handle difficult situations and achieve their goals. One role of the coach is to reveal these resources.

It is the person who chooses the goals and commits to achieving them, with the professional support of the coach. The coach partners with the client and accompanies him or her, in a way that reinforces the person’s autonomy. The coach adapts to what the individual is striving to achieve and allows the person to discover and develop their own potential.

Thanks to a strong alliance with the person coached, my way of working favors real transformations. As a coach I guarantee a secure framework which allows for such transformations: it is only once the individual is ready that we explore, step by step, new ways of thinking and doing.

At the heart of my work is the systems approach which focuses on the system of relationships surrounding the person as well as the possible adjustments within the system. This is one of the key success factors of coaching: the sessions are a kind of laboratory in which the person can better understand their way of interacting with another person, and can decide to interact differently.

The person benefitting from a coaching will also explore the alignment of the mental, emotional and physical sphere and will learn to use the resources available in each of these. A bit like martial arts practicioners who know that all three aspects are equally important.

My approach also includes elements from transactional analysis, neuro-linguistic programming and discoveries from neuroscience. Last but not least, the MBTI® tool helps know oneself and better interact with others.

As a professional coach, I combine thoroughness, pragmatism and gentleness. 


Code of ethics

To guarantee a secure framework for coaching, I respect the code of ethics of the International Coach Federation.

Four key commitments are:

  • I work in a professional way towards the goals of the person coached.
  • I commit to full confidentiality.
  • I avoid conflicts of interest.
  • I stay within the limits of coaching (especially respecting the limits to consulting and to therapy).

I am supervised and have done in-depth personal introspection.